For competency seven, apply instructional design principles, I chose three artifacts that spotlight the skills I acquired through several of the courses. The first artifact in this section comes from EDCI 573. This was the Practicum course and it illustrated my ability to identify and analyze potential problems in learning and performance. The idea behind my project was to create a virtual experiences for students in agriculture. Throughout the process, I worked with teachers to identify potential challenges that learners might face throughout the experience. In the end the educators indicated the need to eliminate the challenges so that performance was affected. The project proved to be successful, and suggestions were put into practice at the conclusion of the experience.
My artifact from EDCI 569, Introduction to E-Learning, is my paper prototype assignment. I had the opportunity to work with a fellow Extension Educator on this project. A strategy behind this was needs assessement delievered to my fellow Extension Educators to help uncover lacking areas in existing judge's training materials. This assignment taught me was able to learn the proper techniques to design and develop instructional materials. The e-Learning program we designed for 4-H project judges was put into practice in the summer of 2015. Several of the judges gave rave remarks on visual appeal, usability, and organization of the unit. The entire process used the factors of designing, planning, and developing instructional interventions using appropriate strategies and techniques.
The final artifact in Competency 7 is my technology integration paper from EDCI 564, Integration and Management of Computers in Education. This paper allowed me to develop an evaluation plan based upon my goals. I utilized the SurveyMonkey tool to create a pre and post survey to assess knowledge. I analyzed the data after both collection times, and it showed a gained knowledge. The evaluation also showed me some areas that I could add more explanation to the program. I took the information and put it into action, so that I could use the tool right away. Evaluation skills are highly valuable in my current position. The ability to evaluate program and content is incredibly important. Data collection is an area of focus that Extension Educators have to address on a regular basis. This skills of evaluation are also imperative to instructional designers. This project allowed me to work on mastering evaluation skills. The project also taught me that I can never stop learning in this arena to be effective in evaluation.
Identifies and analyzes learning and performance problems
Design, plans and develops instructional interventions using appropriate strategies and techniques
Develops an evaluation plan for a project based on stated goals and recognized standards