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Identifies and participates in communities of practice within the field of Learning Design and Technology


I chose my discussion post from EDCI 513, Foundations of Learning Design and Technology to demonstrate my actions in this competency. There are a few professional organizations that allow me to continue developing professionally through various opportunities.  I am a member of the Learning Design and Technology Facebook page which has been a great asset throughout the program.  The network provides many outlets for things such as: idea origination, professional advice, feedback, and a great way to communicate with peers because of convenience. At the completion of my degree I plan to join a few professional organizations to help engage me directly with other instructional designers. In my discussion from 513, I discussed my career path and how I would incorporate my instructional design skills into my career.  I have learned more about the job duties of an Instructional Designer.  The courses I have completed taught me various skills.  I am proud that I can now and now effectively design instructional materials.  I have put my skills to the test by designing modules, presentations, and workshops. 


One of the organizations that I am a member of is the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents and the Indiana Extension Educators Association. These organizations provide professional development opportunities that enable Extension professionals to grow within their role. The biggest perk of being in this of being in NAEA and IEEA is the network of people that it puts me in contact with.  Both organizations require participation to fully gain the benefits. 


I have enjoyed developing, designing and implementing programs with the skills I have gained throughout this Learning Design and Technology Program. I have been able to contribute to the field by offering a 4-H Livestock Workshop and Virtual Agriculture Day.  In the future, I see myself contributing to the LDT commmunity by publishing workshop and webinars for Extension Educators.  I will be able to share my newly aquired skills while spreading the message of LDT.   This program has given me the confidence to utilize technology in various formats. 









  • Identifies and participates in communities of practice within the field of Learning Design and Technology









Competency 6:  

  Participate in Profession

         EDCI 513- Professional Organizations 
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