Demonstrates ability to describe common research methods in Educational Technology
Demonstrates ability to read and evaluate Educational Technology research
Applies research findings to the solution of common problems in Educational Technology
For competency two, create knowledge, I opted to use my individual paper from EDCI 513, Foundations of Learning Design and Technology, to illustrate the attributes gained from this competency. This paper focused on “Technology, Flipped Learning, and 21st Century Workforce Skills”. In this document, I focused on uncovering the importance of technology usage in revamping traditional classroom practices. The paper also illustrated the importance of the skills the learner will carry into the workplace. I demonstrated my ability to describe common research methods in Educational Technology throughout my paper. The acronym that defines the “FLIP” is an example of the various practices and methods highlighted in the section of my paper titled Technology and Flipped Learning Basics. The research indicated that when flipped learning incorporates technology and when the instructor state focused and structured, student assessment score improved. A major portion of this assignment is deciphering research findings. The reasearch reviewed included, mixed methods, quantitative and qualitative studies. I demonstrated my ability to read and interpret Educational Technology research by reading conference findings that uncovered the issues on workforce readiness. By reading the findings, I was able to uncover the connection between flipping learning styles and workforce readiness. I applied the research findings to the solution of common problems in Educational Technology by ensuring that when I am in front of a classroom I am demonstrating the Flipped Classroom approach, so I am allowing the learners to be creative and guiding them but not in the traditional sense. I have put these findings into action by adding video components to many of the programs I teach. This allows the learner to take charge by having them lead discussions based upon gained knowledge and questions.