Competency One: Synthesize Knowledge
Artifact: EDCI 531 Final Paper
-Demonstrates ability to read and understand educational literature related to Educational Technology
-Demonstrates ability to describe fundamental theories of human learning
-Applies knowledge of human learning, diversity, and effective pedagogy to solution of problems
Competency Two: Create Knowledge
Artifact: EDCI 513 Individual Paper
-Demonstrates ability to describe common research methods in Educational Technology
-Demonstrates ability to read and evaluate Educational Technology Research
-Applies research findings to the solution of common problems in Educational Technology
Competency Three: Communicate Knowledge
Artifact: EDCI 564 Technology Integrated Project
-Communicates effectively in oral and written formats
-Effectively communicates content through the design and delivery of teaching/learning activities that integrate content and pedagogy
-Demonstrates the ability to adapt instruction and assessment techniques to the needs of diverse learners
Competency Four: Think Critically & Reflectively
Artifact: EDCI 513 Initial and Revised Educational Technology Definitions
-Develops a personal vision of inclusive educational practice
-Describes the relationship between Educational Technology and the broader field of Education
-Critically evaluates theory and practice
Competency Five: Engage in Professional Development
Artifact:EDCI 564 Initial & Final Vision Statements and EDCI 672 Final Reflection on Developing Expertise
-Demonstrates the disposition for the life-long learning and continuous professional development
Competency Six: Participate Actively in the Profession
Artifact:EDCI 513 Professional Career Discussion
-Identifies and participates in communities of practice within the field of Educational Technology
Competency Seven: Apply Instructional Design Principles
Artifact:EDCI 569 Paper Prototype Paper, EDCI 573 Practicum Final, EDCI 564 Technology Integration
-Identifies and analyzes learning and performance problems
-Design, plans and develops instructional interventions using appropriate strategies and techniques
-Develops an evaluation plan for a project based on stated goals and recognized standards
Competency Eight: Apply Computer-Based Technologies and Media to the Solution of Instructional Problems
Artifact:EDCI 568 Video Tutorial Assignment, EDCI 569 Digital Prototype Assignment and EDCI 564 Technology Integration Project
-Plans and designs effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology
-Applies technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies
-Demonstrates understanding of social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of technology and applies it in practice